居港法國攝影師  記錄消失中的唐樓天台眾生相


2014年,居港法國攝影師Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze在家中見著旭日照亮眼前唐樓天台,屋頂的人正做著不同的日常事情,他被這般景象深深吸引,從而用數年時間走訪九龍區的唐樓天台,用不一樣的角度拍攝這城,記錄那些不為人知的故事。


攝影集《Concrete stories》,28.5×24.5cm,精裝版104頁,HKD320。
「顯影·書櫃 PhotogShop」有售。


然而,隨著近些年舊區不斷發展,這些舊式民居正在逐漸消失,被更高的住宅或大樓所取代,這些天台也再不能輕易使用。攝影集《Concrete stories》的照片大多在九龍舊區拍攝,Romain以獨特的視角記錄不太為人關注的建築物,用垂直風景捕捉他們的生活方式。

Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze’s ‘Concrete Stories’: A Fresh Angle on Hong Kong Rooftop Photography

‘Concrete Stories’ is a collection of genuine moments capturing people’s daily lives from the rooftops in Kowloon districts.

From 2014 to 2018, Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, a French photographer based in Hong Kong, explored the city’s rooftops in a unique way. His lens captured the city from a fresh angle, focusing on aged buildings without alarms or security cameras and favoring sunny days for enhanced luminosity.  

In his lens, you can see students skipping rope, women drying clothes, and people practicing Tai Chi. The scenes on the rooftop become more dramatic under the setting sunlight. After taking the photo, the final step was to carefully crop the images to highlight the rooftop and people’s activities.

These buildings, once a vibrant part of the city’s landscape, are now disappearing at an alarming rate. The pressing need for land has led to the demolition of low-rise structures, making way for taller, more modern ones, often with inaccessible rooftops.

Images Credit to Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze

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